Fix the order

In the variety of the products and different functions, choose the correct product by confirming the shape, color, functionality and model numbers. All your inquiries will be tracked and will be saved in our account fro future use and track. We are here to satisfy your all needs and will be ready for negotiating the price as per quantity you order.

Payment Methods

As you are doing the business, you have to calculate the end price from which you can calculate your margin of sell in your region. The security of your payment is the major concern for us especially when we do foreign transaction. We are giving the surety to  you for your payment and goods which we deliver. All the legal documents sign off will assure us for easy and secured goods delivery. Use bank or legal transfer agency to transfer the amount.

Payment terms

As we are accepting the orders from many countries, we fix the rate in US dollar for all the products. Customer needs to pay in USD only. Check the rates of your currency and add the service charges in the final payment of the order. Later you pay the amount, more delay will be added in the shipping the goods. Legal and honest relations build the great company. The terms of of company is required to follow in any situation to do the smooth process of the production and delivery.